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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wishing our tribe all the best in 2025
Autumnal Equinox : Mabon

Autumnal Equinox : Mabon



Happy Autumnal Equinox or Mabon! This is a great time to think about what you've learned this past year and also to celebrate that which you've harvested.

We've made some exciting gains this year, and we're in the midst of launching three new products in time for the holiday gifting season. We're grateful to you all for showing us so much love and for being such a driving force in our company's continued expansion.

Be sure to take some time this week of Mabon for yourself to express your intentions for the coming year and to acknowledge the changing of the season. With the onset of Autumn, we commence a period of transformation when the leaves change color and the evening temperatures come cooler. 

This week of Mabon marks a portal opening -- a time where you may find an increased pace in manifesting your desires and the veil is thinner between dimensions. Consider what you wish to achieve, the new revenue streams you are calling in, and how to live your best life this holiday season.

With the Autumn Equinox, we experience a balance in the dark and light. It is in the time of year that the daytime and nighttime are equal parts. Seek this balance in your life this week with meditation, yoga, swimming or a brisk walk.

Let us look forward to the positive changes coming our way and the new version of ourselves yet to dawn come Spring.