Synchronicity Is Real
“On the same wave length” - It’s not just a figure of speech. Synchronicity is real.
Collective neuroscience is a rapidly growing field of research. Early consistent findings posit that when people converse or share an experience, their brain waves synchronize. Scientific research is beginning to reveal new levels of communication and synchronicity.
The experience of “being on the same wavelength” as another person is a real connection - it’s actually visible in the activity of the brain.
But how does this synchronicity happen? Neuroscientists are researching this question. (Some scientists use the word “magic” when they discuss it.)
Synchronicity is one of the universal laws behind Tarot. Check out our oracle deck with an homage to Tarot - Oracle of the Green Rose”
Read more about this phenomenon in the article "Brain Waves Synchronize when People Interact" on the Scientific American site: