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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wishing our tribe all the best in 2025

Custom Crystal Grid - Bespoke Designs Made with Your Intentions

SKU: 3334

Artist and crystal energy enthusiast Courtney Freeman will connect with you to identify your intentions and to create the unique image for your crystal energy grid.

What Is a Crystal Grid or Crystal Energy Grid?

Crystal gridding is spiritual and metaphysical practice that involves working with crystals. One uses activated crystals in an inspired formation to intend a desired result. The intention is set for healing, or manifestation, or for greater connection with divine beings for example. You choose the intention and Courtney creates the beautiful one-of-a-kind crystal energy grid just for you.

Tell Me More About Your Crystal Art.

All White Buffalo Spirit crystal energy grids are hand painted and made using post-consumer materials where possible. White Buffalo crystal grids are lifestyle works of art to be positioned in a bedroom for privacy or in a shared space to emit a wonderful vibration throughout.  

Materials: Upcycled Wood, Upcycled Fabric, Acrylic Paint, Hand-Painted.

What Does "Bespoke" Mean?

Bespoke means one-of-a-kind or unique. The boxes containing your grid will vary since each one is uniquely sourced. The size of the boxes will be in the range of 7"x7" or 7"x10". Please contact us with inquiries about size, materials or to commission a special grid.

Does This Crystal Energy Grid Kit Come with Crystals?

Yes, the crystals are selected to align with the intention that you set and will be hand picked to work together in harmony. Rose quartz pictured here for example is a heart chakra-opening crystal that can bring a soothing, loving vibration to any room. Fluorite obelisks can assist with fine-tuning focus and deflecting negativity so that you can feel more centered. All stones are activated and the grid comes with instructions for use.

Follow us: @WhiteBuffaloSpirit on Instagram to enjoy our crystal gridding content.

Disclaimer: This is a not a replacement for medical care or therapy. Please consult a medical expert for guidance.

Consider purchasing one of our crystal energy grid gift kits for your loved one this holiday season or any one in your life who loves crystal lifestyle products. 

Crystals are hand selected, activated, and charged for the intention of the final piece unless you request otherwise. 

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